Vegetarian Cuisine St. Petersburg

Address: 6th Liniya
Nearest metro station:Vasileostrovskaya
Telephone: (812) 327-4622
Working hours: 11.00-23.00
Additional service: business lunch
Average bill: £10-15
Credit cards: Not accepted
This small, local chain specializes in clean living and meatless cuisine, regardless of which continent the food comes from. Indian, Italian, Georgian, and even Russian dishes make it to the menu, but no alcohol is served. The whole place is smoke-free, perhaps the only such venue in Petersburg. Try the fresh pastas or the mixed fruit-and-vegetable salads. The house specialty is a strange potato-tofu-cheese vegetable casserole. Decor is pseudo-Indian, the atmosphere is laid-back to the extreme, and the prices are low. Troitsky Most has two locations north of the Neva, one on up-and-coming Vasilevsky Island, and the other near the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Address: Moika Canal, 82
Nearest metro station: Sennaya Ploshchad, Nevsky Prospect
Telephone: (812) 315-1675
Working hours: 12.00-last dinner
Additional service: business lunch
Average bill: £10-15
Credit cards: Not accepted
This bohemian basement on the foggy banks of Moika Canal, named after one of Dostoyevsky's novels, attracts a fair share of brooding, philosophical types of all nationalities. It bills itself as a vegetarian restaurant, and there is indeed no meat on the menu, but most people come here to warm up with a glass of mulled wine or the complimentary welcome shot of vodka, or to chill out with a book and a cool drink in the back room. The food is homey and satisfying, especially anything with the wild mushrooms that Russians are so expert at preparing, as well as the miniature pies (pirozhki) stuffed with cabbage, apricots, or potatoes. Idiot is a great place to stop while wandering the Moika, since there's nowhere else to eat nearby.