Become a Go Russia Supplier
We look forward to hearing about new products, destinations and accommodation options to expand our portfolio.
Thank you very much for your interest in offering your products / services to Go Russia. We are always interested in expanding our supplier base and would be happy to know more about new destinations, hotels, guides, as well as office suppliers or marketing opportunities (advertising, internet promotion, etc.).
Do you have interesting news or content to share?
Are there any notable events taking place at your destination? Do you want to reach out to a wide English and German speaking auditorium? We would be very much interested in seeing fascinating stories, colorful photos as well as discovering new places, local people and food. Spread the word about your destination. Please read more how to submit fascinating content to us.How to become our supplier?
We receive many inquiries from those interested in working with us and we have centralised the process where we ask all potential suppliers to fill in the online form on our website. We can reassure you that all submitted forms will be reviewed by relevant teams and if we think your offer is interesting we will contact you for more details. We only work with serious suppliers who value their and our time that is why we ask you to answer few questions that would allow us to better assess your offer.When can we expect response from Go Russia?
If we have not contacted you within two weeks after submitting the form, please assume that your offer is not appropriate for us at this stage. Please do not resubmit your inquiry later unless there are considerable changes in your services, as we have all your details. We have a central database of potential suppliers and should the need arise we will be in touch later.Next steps
Please do not call or email us as our customer services specialists will not be able to advise you on the status of your application nor they will be able to give any opinions. Once the form has been submitted you will receive a confirmation message. Note: if you decide not to fill in the form your offer will not be considered.