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Departure from Leningradky Railway Station in Moscow
Renovation works
Home Travel Guide Travel Practicalities Leningradsky Railway Station

Transfer Instructions

Departure from Leningradsky Railway Station in Moscow
Please be informed that renovation work is currently underway at Leningradsky Railway Station in Moscow, and the station building is temporarily closed to passengers. Despite this, all trains are departing according to their regular schedules.

Note that the entrance is now located at the back of the building. To reach the platforms for long-distance trains (particularly those to St. Petersburg), please follow these steps. While the signboards indicating the new route are only in Russian, assistance is available from staff on-site.
  • Your driver will drop you off at the railway terminal entrance, identifiable by the clock tower on the building, as shown in the picture.
  • The terminal building is surrounded by fencing. Facing the building, take the small pathway to the left. Follow this short path until you reach the entrance to the long-distance terminal on the right. The route is clearly marked with arrows.
  • The walk from the street to the entrance takes about a minute.
Once inside, please wait in the hall until your train appears on the departure board. When it is time to board, proceed to the track, where your luggage will be scanned.