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Russian Visa Application Guidance
Applications made in the United Kingdom
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How to Complete the Russian Visa Application Form

Applications made in the United Kingdom
Please follow these notes as this is for your own benefit and to avoid any unnecessary delays with your visa processing. These notes are for those who apply in the UK. Otherwise please follow this guidance (if you apply overseas and not in the UK).


  1. Check your passport. All passports must have at least two blank pages for the Russian visa to be inserted and be valid for at least six months after the date of your return. If you do not already hold a passport or need to renew an existing one, you must allow at least six weeks to obtain one - at busy periods it can take longer than this, so please contact your local passport office for more information.
  2. Collect information. The visa form and all the questions have been developed by the Russian authorities and Go Russia does not have any influence in this matter. Although we appreciate your comments and welcome feedback, we cannot change anything in the visa application process. The visa form asks various personal questions some of which relate to your past, please make sure you have these details:
    • trips abroad, you will need to specify all countries you have visited in the last 10 years, please enter in the form at least those for which you have stamps in your passport;
    • old passports, if you had other passports (expired, lost, etc.) you will need to enter your previous passport details in the form.
    • other passports, if you have more than one nationality you will need to enter passport details for all nationalities you might have.


  1. Open the form. Please go to
  2. Select the country where you will be applying for your visa. Very important, DO NOT enter Russia, but the country where you are resident (e.g. United States)! 
  3. Read and confirm the introductory visa information of the Russian Consulate by ticking the box at the bottom of the page to confirm you have read these details
  4. Choose the help language
  5. Start your new application by clicking "Complete new application form" at the bottom of the page, left-hand side.
  6. Enter Gorussia1 as your password. We ask all our customers to enter “Gorussia1” as this will enable our visa team to access and check your visa application before submitting the printed documents to the Russian Consulate. We ask you to enter “Gorussia1” for simplicity reasons.
  7. Enter the security code from the picture and press "Submit"
  8. Write down your application ID. Please remember or application ID as this cannot be changed or retrieved from the system. 


  1. Answer all visa questions. Please provide full details as required by the form and complete the form with the utmost care. The questions detailed below must be answered exactly as stated in the guidance notes.
Visa Details
Purpose of visit (section) TOURISM
Visa category COMMON TOURIST
Number of entries SINGLE
Note: if joining TS-28, TS-30 - DOUBLE
Date of entry into Russia Enter the date of entry in Russia (your tour start date)
Date of exit from Russia Enter the date of departure from Russia
Personal details
Although we appreciate that some answers may sound very obvious to you, we still advise you check your passport and enter your details exactly as they appear in your document.
Passport details
Type of passport Choose “ORDINARY”  (diplomatic and official passports should be submitted in person at the Embassy)
Passport issued by Enter the authority which issued the passport (according to your passport e.g. United States Department of State). Please do not guess and check your passport as this is the most common error in the form 
Visit details
Which institution you are going to visit? Select "Travel Company"
Name of organization OOO PETERSBURG VOYAGE LTD
Reference number 011483
Confirmation number 000 (Do not leave blank, enter three zeros as specified)
Itinerary Please enter the major cities along the route: eg,
  • City-breaks: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Suzdal, Novgorod, Petrozavodsk (for tours in the Russian North)
  • Trans-Siberian tours: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok
  • River cruises: Moscow, St. Petersburg
  • Adventure tours: Moscow, Mineralniye Vody (for Elbrus tours), Petropavlovsk (for Kamchatka tours), Barnaul (for Altai tours)
Where do you plan to stay
(please fill-in depending on your tour type)
Russian River Cruises Type of place: select "Hotel"
Name: Enter ship name
Phone number: Enter 111
Russian City Breaks (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Golden Ring, Novgorod the Great) Type of place: select "Hotel"
Enter hotel name
Address: Enter hotel address
Phone number: Enter hotel phone number

You will need to enter all hotels where you are staying depending on the chosen package type below:

3* package
Hotel Ibis Centre Bakhrushina in Moscow
Hotel Nevsky Grand in St. Petersburg
Intourist in Novgorod the Great (CB-06, CB-23, CB-30)
Suzdal Inn in Suzdal (CB-06)

4* package
Hotel Marriott Courtyard in Moscow
Hotel Petro Palace in St. Petersburg
Intourist in Novgorod the Great (CB-06, CB-23, CB-30)
Pushkarskaya Sloboda in Suzdal (CB-06)
Trans-Siberian / Trans-Mongolian Tours Type of place: select "Hotel"
Enter hotel name
Address: Enter hotel address
Phone number: Enter hotel phone number

You will need to enter all hotels where you are staying as per your program:

Hotel Nevsky Grand in St. Petersburg (applies to TS-15, TS-16, TS-25)
Hotel Ibis Centre Bakhrushina in Moscow (applies to all tours except TS-14)
Hotel Novotel in Yekaterinburg (applies to all tours except TS-14, TS-18, TS-01)
Hotel Angara in Irkutsk (applies to all tours except TS-18)
Hotel Azimut in Vladivostok (applies to TS-04, TS-16, TS-21, TS-25)
Tours to Elbrus Type of place: select "Hotel"
Enter hotel name
Address: Enter hotel address
Phone number: Enter hotel phone number

You will need to enter both hotels below:

Moscow: Hotel Ibis Centre Bakhrushina
Elbrus: Teberda hotel, Elbrussky region, Terskol. Phone: 111
Other Tours Type of place: select "Hotel"
Name: Enter hotel name
Address: Enter hotel address
Phone number: Enter hotel phone number

Moscow: Hotel Ibis Centre Bakhrushina
Last visit details
List all countries you have visited in the last ten years and indicate the date of visit Quite often it is not possible to recall all trips abroad, especially within the EU. Please try and remember at least the longest trips abroad and enter in the form at least those for which you have stamps or visas in your passport. Please note the stamps are checked and if there are inconsistencies your application form will be rejected.

Please enter the day, month and the year of your visit. Again, please check the stamps in your passport, if you still do not remember – please enter approximate date.

You can enter maximum 10 countries, so make sure you enter all visits for which you have stamps in the passport.
Is this your first passport? You need to enter details of your previous passports. If you do not remember your previous passport details, please indicate, you did not have other passports. 
Miscellaneous information
This section relates to your close relatives, current residence address, current employment, as well as your financial situation. Please note you must complete ALL fields in this section although some are not marked with an asterisk (*).
Your phone number
(section Your residential address)
IMPORTANT: You need to enter your mobile phone number. The number should be a mobile phone number, if you do not have a mobile number, please enter the number of your closer relatives or friends.
Current / latest place of work 
Employer details Please fill in all sections depending on your status as indicated below.
  • employed - list your current employer details
  • self-employed - select "self-employed", enter your name as company name, home address. If you conduct your business through a company - enter your company details
  • retired - select "retired" and leave other fields blank
  • student - select "other" and specify "student" and enter your university details
  • house wife - select "other" and specify "housewife" and enter your home address details
Information about your financial situation 
Your overall monthly income from all sources  Please enter an approximate amount per month, this field is mandatory.
Name of bank or organization Please enter just your bank name (eg. Citibank, Wells Fargo, Lloyds, etc.), no need to provide account details.
Total amount of money you are planning to spend for this trip/ stay/ visit to Russia Please enter an approximate amount, this field is mandatory. As a guidance use your Go Russia invoice amount.
How much of this amount are you planning to spend on accommodation and food? Please enter an approximate amount (as a guidance $50 per person per day).
 Appointment details
Select the location where you will be applying for your visa Please select Visa Application Center ILS WASHINGTON
Click “Next”, review your answers and then "Save and Submit"


Once you have submitted the form you can still make necessary changes to your visa form if you feel some data requires amendment.
  1. Please go to
  2. Click "Open previously completed application"
  3. Enter your application ID and click "Retrieve electronic visa application form"
  4. Enter your details:
    • first 5 letters of your surname
    • year of birth
    • password (“Gorussia1” if you've initially used this recommended password)
  5. Click "Get a new draft ID". You will be assigned a new application ID which you must remember (unfortunately the form works like this and you cannot amend the form under the initially assigned ID)
  6. Amend required fields
  7. Email us your new application ID so we can check the amended form


Please prepare and submit the documents specified below if applicable. Please note, the Russian Consulate has the right to ask for additional documentation in order to process your visa application, ask you to come in for an interview, or extend the visa processing time of your application.
  1. Traveling with children under 21 years old
    • your child’s full birth certificate;
    • if traveling with one parent only, a letter from the other parent giving consent for the child to travel to Russia;
    • if traveling with one parent only, a passport copy of the other parent.
  2. EU – citizens traveling on an EU passport
    • a copy of health insurance policy card, along with their policy documents that is valid in the Russian Federation for the visa period. Your policy must include information about clinics covered in Russia.
  3. Non – USA citizens
    • Green Card or
    • Long-term US Visa, tourist visas not accepted.
  4. Former citizens of the USSR
    When applying for a visa it is necessary to provide documentation that you no longer possess Russian citizenship:
    • Copy of USSR passport with a stamp stating you left for “permanent residence abroad”, dated prior to February 6, 1992;
    • Or a copy of a “Visa to Israel” issued prior to February 6, 1992;
    • Or a copy of a Certificate of Naturalization issued prior to 1996;
    • Or a document confirming the renunciation of your Russian citizenship;
    • Or a copy of the main pages of a passport of a former USSR state, issued after February 1992;
    • Or a written statement of explanation, in the case that you have no documentation.
  5. Children born to parents who both are Russian citizens
    In accordance with Article 12 of Russian Law “On citizenship of the Russian Federation”, children born to parents who both are Russian citizens, automatically gain Russian citizenship, regardless of the place of birth. In this case visas are not issued, and they must apply for Russian citizenship, or have their information written into the passport of one of their parents, or obtain a Russian passport.
  6. Adopted from Russia
    The Russian authorities consider you a Russian citizen and you must enter Russia with your valid Russian passport. Visas can only be issued if you provide a document confirming renunciation of your Russian nationality. If you do not have this document, please contact the local Russian Embassy for your nationality checking service. It can take up to 6 months to get a response.  


When you start your visa application you will be automatically assigned Application ID which you must remember to be able to modify / print the form and allow us to check your application (please refer to Step 2, point 5 above). Please note registration details cannot be changed or retrieved from the system so we recommend you immediately print the registration page with your Application ID. Once you have completed the form please email us your Russian consulate registration details to
  • your Go Russia reservation reference
  • your Russian consulate application ID
  • your surname
  • year of birth
  • password. We assume you have entered “Gorussia1” as your password, if not - please provide your own.
IMPORTANT: If you fail to email us your registration details we will not be able to check your form and advise of any required amendments. Incorrect forms will be returned to applicants. Please note we cannot be held responsible for expense and / or delay arising from or in connection with incomplete application forms, or incorrectly or falsely completed application forms.


Our visa department will check your form and amend if required, we might also come back to you if clarifications are necessary. Once all checks have been made by us, we will email your visa application form together with supporting documents to you and advise of the next steps (normally within 48 hours after we have received all your correct details). Please do not post anything to us / bring to the visa application center until you have received a confirmation email from our visa department saying your visa form has been completed correctly.

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in the US has outsourced the visa application process to INVISA Logistic Services, LLC (Russian Visa Center). GR Travel Group Ltd has not designed the visa form and is not responsible for its contents and requirements. To assist our customers we provide support guiding through the visa application procedure and by checking the form. By providing us your Russian consulate registration details you authorize GR Travel Group Ltd. to access your online Russian visa application form and check its contents. We cannot be held responsible for expense and/or delay arising from or in connection with (a) incomplete application forms or (b) incorrectly or falsely answered question or (c) inaccurate or incomplete supporting documentation or (d) rejected visa application form or (e) failure to complete the form for any reason whatsoever. Please note, the Russian Embassy hast the right to request additional information from the applicants.